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Mediumship and a Meal™
Recreating recipes and connecting with Loved Ones in Spirit

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We invite folks to share recipes they love as a way to connect with loved ones in spirit.
Dishes can be simple everyday recipes, recipes that remind you specifically of your loved one, OR any recipe that simply fills your heart and soul!
If selected as a guest for this filmed mini-series, you will join evidential medium Hannah (aka: The Huggable Healer) at a virtual table to “break bread” over a filmed Zoom call.
You will “dish” about the dish in front of you both (which you will create prior to filming), and any loved ones in spirit who want to step forward will be invited to join the meal.
"I can't wait to dish
with your loved ones..."
Watch the First Episode Here!
Then, catch the latest
Mediumship and a Meal™
"After Hours - But Wait, There's More!" episodes & podcast.
Where we journey behind the scenes and highlight the best moments.
What Is An Evidential Medium?While every Medium's reading style is unique & no two readings are ever the same, an Evidential Medium focuses on bringing through accurate, verifiable details from loved one’s in the spiritual realm. Bringing through your loved one to provide some sense of healing and closure knowing your loved ones continues on in spirit, even after they are no longer in physical body.
How Long Should I Wait To Book A Reading After A Loved One Has Passed?There is no hard fast rule when it comes to the “best time” for booking a reading. Some religious beliefs have said you need to wait 6 months for a spirit to settle in. Some people think you should wait 6 months so you are not in active grief. I have personally found spirits can come through moments after they have passed. They aren’t upset and don’t feel bothered. I believe if the conversation is going to be productive, they come through. I trust in the intelligence of the spirit world. As for yourself, you can book an appointment when you feel like you would be able to hold a conversation with a Reader, without becoming overwhelmed by grief. That could be day’s, weeks or months or upwards of a year. The important thing is just taking the time you need to care for yourself. Even if a Spirit passed 20 years ago, they can and do come through. As long as you can validate the details about them to recognize who they are, they come through to say hello as well.
Should or Shouldn’t I Book A Mediumship Reading?If you are in deep grief, fighting a cold or super stressed out, or in a place of desperation, I DO NOT recommend a reading. Your loved ones are around you, they stay connected to you and will be there for you always. The easiest way to get taken advantage of by anyone is when you are in a super vulnerable place. Also, there is a thing called “medium hopping”, jumping from one reader to another, booking multiple appointments over and over again. I understand readings are fun and can be exciting. But some folks do this hopping to avoid the healing part of their grief journey. And I say, out of love, save your money. It will never fill the hole the loss of a loved one brings in our lives. Mediumship is never a replacement for grief counseling, it is only a small component of the healing process. Please take the time to care for yourself first and foremost, that way when the time is right, and your heart is ready, you are able to get the most healing and joy from your mediumship reading.
What Exactly Is A Mediumship Reading?Before even booking a reading, doing your research is super helpful. That way you know what to expect from a session. If you are looking for advice on life choices, future events, feeling lost or stuck, relationship advice etc.. These types of questions are more for psychic intuitive style readings rather than a mediumship reading. Medium’s blend their energy with the spirit’s energy to feel, sense and relay details your loved one provides them. While sometimes a loved one in spirit might offer insights or advice, like they would when they were in the physical world, spirit’s are not all seeing or all knowing. And a Medium’s role is to just be the voice box for your loved one in the spirit world. We try to stay neutral and bring through any details your loved one in spirit would like us to share.
Where can past episodes of Mediumship and a Meal™ be watched?Recorded episodes can be viewed by visiting The Huggable Healer on YouTube.
Will Mediumship and a Meal resume filming?We are excited to announce we have been given the opportunity to work on shows for a new network. We are pausing the filming for this series at this time. We will keep you updated on our progress.
Where do I submit my entry?An email can be submitted to One of our assistants with be in touch if you are selected for the project. Thank you!
How can I be a part of the Mediumship and A Meal™ project?If you are interested in being considered for this opportunity, you must be able to meet the following requirements: Be 18 or over and a U.S. Citizen with a valid I.D. (This will be verified on the day of filming to avoid any personal details being given prior to the reading). Be able to connect over Zoom for approximately two hours with clear audio and visual connection, no background noise, and no distractions. -(Selfie stick lighting and a headset with a mic are best. No minors, pets, or additional folks around during filming) Be able to provide a recipe to our Guest coordinator when you apply. -(Hannah will not get the name of this dish or the directions to create it. She will only have the ingredients, proportions, and her intuition) Have your dish prepared on the day of filming so you can validate how close (or far!) Hannah came to recreating your dish. -(No need to be an amazing cook, just be able to chat about the dish; why you chose it, how you prepared it, and of course to taste the dish together with Hannah!) Be able to validate information about any loved ones in spirit who step forward. The dish is meant to inspire a connection to the spirit world by filling your soul. Whoever in spirit wants to dine with us, whether they are connected to your recipe or not, is welcome to join us. Avoid “feeding the medium” anything other than your dish! To keep the reading ethical and 100% authentic, Hannah wants no details about you, your family, friends, or personal life before the reading. Fill out and submit the completed image and recipe release forms on the day of filming Pay a $55 non-refundable materials and filming fee to participate in this project. -(This fee helps cover the cost of ingredients and editor fees, and secures your scheduled filming date)
How much does it cost to enter?A $55 Non-Refundable Materials & Filming Fee Is Required To Participate In This Project. (This Fee Helps Covers The Cost Of Ingredients, Editors Fees & Keeps Folks From Signing Up And Flaking Once Selected For The Project.)
" Giving a whole new spin to the idea of "Soul Food"
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